Best script for Money as item
Last updated
Best script for Money as item
Last updated
This script is fully automated and workable for all scripts. All scripts are protected by the escrow system from CFX
What is open and what can you configure?
Here is locale
There you can setup your notify system
Client Resmon - 0.00-0,01ms
Server Resmon - 1xCurrency - [0.00-0.02ms / 1 Player | +-80 Players 2.6ms]
Configurable - locale/language, config
We are using Asset Escrow system
function AddCustom(src, item, amount, reason)
exports['qb-inventory']:AddItem(src, item, amount)
function RemCustom(src, item, amount, reason)
exports['qb-inventory']:RemoveItem(src, item, amount, slot)
function SA_Payment(data)
local src = data.src
local amount = data.amount
local name =
if Config.Notifications then
if name == 'PaymentNotify' then
TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, Lang:t('notifications.paid', {money = amount}), 'success')
elseif name == 'NotEnoughMoney' then
TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', source, Lang:t('notifications.enoughmoney'), 'error')
elseif name == 'RecievedNotify' then
TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, Lang:t('notifications.recieved', {money = amount}), 'success')
elseif name == 'FullInventory' then
TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, Lang:t('notifications.FullInventory', {money = amount}), 'success')
elseif name == 'Error' then
TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, Lang:t('notifications.error'), 'error')
function SA_Migration(data)
local name =
local src = data.src
if name == 'Done' then
TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, Lang:t('migration.done'), 'success')
elseif name == 'Error' then
TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, Lang:t('migration.error'), 'error')
elseif name == 'Progress' then
TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, Lang:t('migration.progress', {progress = data.progress, accounts = data.max}), 'primary')
local Translations = {
notifications = {
enoughmoney = "You don't have enough money.",
FullInventory = "Your inventory is full, your money has been deposited into the bank - %{money}$",
recieved = "You recieved %{money}$",
paid = "You've paid %{money}$",
error = "An error occurred while adding money. Contact the administrator"
migration = {
info = 'Cash to bank account migration tool. (God)',
done = 'Migration completed',
error = 'Migration has failed',
progress = '%{progress} / %{accounts} users are being migrated',
Lang = Locale:new({
phrases = Translations,
warnOnMissing = true
Config = {
-- TOOLS --
Debug = false, -- It start up debug mode which will print into console if the player passes through conditions (It must be all small true/false)
Notifications = true, -- This disable/enable notifications like 'You've paid xx$' etc.
Experimental = 2, -- This enables experimental feature that should improve performance. It's not tested properly! (Use it only if SA-Money-v2 has heavy impact on your server)
-- Levels of experimental boost - 0 - Off, 1 - Medium boost, 2 - High boost (Recommended), 3 - Ultra boost
-- Levels 1 & 3 might glitch on very slow servers
Framework = 'qb-core', -- Don't touch this. Change it only if you have renamed qb
Inventory = 'qb-inventory', -- Set it to name of your inventory resource you use, for example qb-inventory (PS,LJ,QB), ox_inventory, codem-inventory
-- For custom inventory use 'custom' and change functions in functions.lua
oldInv = false, -- If you use new inventory system, which doesn't use functions, but exports instead set it to false.
-- For example: core_inventory, old qb-inventory, lj-inventory etc.
RefreshTime = 100, -- This change how fast your inventory will be refreshed after buy. (100 = 100ms +-).
-- Change this only if you have slow server or slow inventory system. LJ, QB Inventories work with 100ms, qs-inventory needs more around +200
ItemProp = true, --This enables/disables making a prop on floor
-- This function will take care of your inventory weight, so if player has full inventory, this prevent to dissapear money.
-- Disable this if your inventory doesn't have exports("GetTotalWeight", GetTotalWeight)
-- Disable if you are using (core_inventory, ox_inventory, codem_inventory and qs-inventory)
Overweight = true, -- true = enabled (this prevent to dissapear money)
MaxInventoryWeight = 120000, -- You find that in your qb-inventory > config.lua
AutoRefresh = 1000, -- 1000ms = 1s (It's not exactly 1s). Sets how quickly money are refreshed | Lower number = worse optimization
VersionCheck = true, -- Here is an option to disable the print of versions in the console.
--This function add more currencies to work as item.
--To make more currencies follow our documentation >>
Money = {
Currencies = {
[1] = {
currency = 'cash',
item = 'cash',
prop = 'prop_cash_pile_02',
--[[ [2] = {
currency = 'blackmoney',
item = 'black',
prop = 'prop_cash_pile_02',
--chance = 1.0, -- 0.7 = 70% chance to success / 30% to call a cops (DOESN'T WORK FOR NOW)
[3] = {
currency = 'printedbills',
item = 'printedbills',
prop = 'prop_cash_pile_02',
--chance = 1.0, -- 0.7 = 70% chance to success / 30% to call a cops (DOESN'T WORK FOR NOW)
}, ]]
--This is just a fuse if you for example update QB-Core and forgot to add a cash item. It create that item after script starts.
--If you forgot to add an item and item doesn't exists, the inventory automatically removes it from inventory after joining.
--This fuse will ensure that this never happens.
--Please still add item into QB-core/shared/items.lua!! If the script fails or something happens and this script doesn't start
--and the player joins he loses his money if you don't have that item also in qb-core/shared/items.lua
Item = {
enabled = true, --This option disable this fuse. Use it only if you are getting errors in console. (Older QB-Core)
name = 'cash',
label = 'cash',
weight = 0,
type = 'item',
image = 'cash.png',
unique = false,
useable = true,
shouldClose = true,
combinable = nil,
description = 'Just a cash bruh.'
--QB-Core/shared/items.lua has a priority