local QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()
function Notify(message, typ)
QBCore.Functions.Notify(message, typ)
function OpenMenu(data)
function AddTarget(ped, index)
exports['qb-target']:AddTargetEntity(ped, {
options = {
type = 'client',
event = 'SA-MoneyWash:client:OpenMainMenu',
icon = 'fa-solid fa-dollar-sign',
label = Lang:t('TargetAndBox.open'),
entity = ped,
index = index
distance = 3.0
function DrawText(message)
exports['qb-core']:DrawText('[E] ' .. message, 'left')
function HideText()
function KeyPressed(key)
Config = {}
Config = {
Debug = false,
Language = 'en',
VersionCheck = true,
InventoryCompatibility = true,
-- Set it to false if you get an error (calling export 'GetInventoryData') in the server console.
-- Controls
Target = true, -- Enables/Disables target on peds
Box = true, -- Enables/Disables box or polyzone on peds
PressKey = 38, -- 38 = E | Key which trigger box. All keys are registere here https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/controls/#controls
-- Settings
Cooldown = 60, -- How often players can make a new tickets.
Ticket = 'ticket', -- Name of the item
Loop = 60, -- How often will be ticketed sent to database, this prevent loss of data when server crashes
VAT = false, -- false - Disabled / true - Enabled | Use SA-VAT system
VATID = 'Dealer' -- ID in VAT system
MarkedBills = {
item = 'markedbills', -- Currency/Items that you use for illegal activities
default = true, -- Use default qb-core's markedbills, that has worth in description
-- False = Will use amount of item to set worth
-- True = Will use worth in the description of the item
Locations = {
[1] = {
-- Ped settings
coords = vector4(111.06, -236.7, 55.24, 195.6),
ped = 'a_m_m_mexlabor_01',
anim = 'idle_b',
dict = 'amb@world_human_smoking@male@male_b@idle_a',
-- Money settings
slots = 4, -- Inventory settings
processamount = 5, -- How much $ of the worth will be process in one cycle | (Doesn't work for default markedbills, it automatically remove 1)
time = 40, -- How much time in seconds it takes to proccess processamount
worth = 55, -- How much % do you get from worth
[2] = {
-- Ped settings
coords = vector4(-1658.3, -1097.58, 13.14, 225.79),
ped = 'a_m_m_mexlabor_01',
anim = 'idle_b',
dict = 'amb@world_human_smoking@male@male_b@idle_a',
-- Money settings
slots = 1, -- Inventory settings
processamount = 10, -- How much $ of the worth will be process in one cycle | (Doesn't work for default markedbills, it automatically remove 1)
time = 80, -- How much time in seconds it takes to proccess processamount
worth = 55, -- How much % do you get from worth
[3] = {
-- Ped settings
coords = vector4(430.29, -1559.58, 32.82, 289.34),
ped = 'a_m_m_mexlabor_01',
anim = 'idle_b',
dict = 'amb@world_human_smoking@male@male_b@idle_a',
-- Money settings
slots = 1, -- Inventory settings
processamount = 15, -- How much $ of the worth will be process in one cycle | (Doesn't work for default markedbills, it automatically remove 1)
time = 20, -- How much time in seconds it takes to proccess processamount
worth = 55, -- How much % do you get from worth
LaunderyItems = {
["metalscrap"] = {
wait = 120, -- It's in seconds
reward = 3,
["copper"] = {
wait = 500, -- It's in seconds
reward = 2,
["iron"] = {
wait = 500, -- It's in seconds
reward = 2,
["aluminum"] = {
wait = 500, -- It's in seconds
reward = 2,
["steel"] = {
wait = 500, -- It's in seconds
reward = 2,
["glass"] = {
wait = 500, -- It's in seconds
reward = 2,
["lockpick"] = {
wait = 10000, -- It's in seconds
reward = 150,
["screwdriverset"] = {
wait = 10000, -- It's in seconds
reward = 300,
["electronickit"] = {
wait = 10000, -- It's in seconds
reward = 300,
["radioscanner"] = {
wait = 10000, -- It's in seconds
reward = 850,
["gatecrack"] = {
wait = 10000, -- It's in seconds
reward = 600,
["trojan_usb"] = {
wait = 10000, -- It's in seconds
reward = 1000,
["weed_brick"] = {
wait = 5000, -- It's in seconds
reward = 250,
["phone"] = {
wait = 2000, -- It's in seconds
reward = 750,
["radio"] = {
wait = 2000, -- It's in seconds
reward = 180,
["handcuffs"] = {
wait = 2000, -- It's in seconds
reward = 400,
["10kgoldchain"] = {
wait = 10000, -- It's in seconds
reward = 3000,
if Config.Language == 'en' then
local Translations = {
menu = {
header = "Illegal Money Laundering",
showInventory = 'Offer Goods',
PayoutTicket = 'Show Payout Ticket',
Close = 'Close Menu',
InventoryMenu = {
header = "List of Tickets",
NewTicket = 'New Ticket',
Ticket = 'Ticket # %{value}',
Payout = 'Payout Ticket # %{value}',
PayoutInfo = 'Value: %{value} $',
Back = 'Go Back',
TargetAndBox = {
open = 'Discuss illegal business',
Notify = {
NotTicket = 'You have no tickets',
InvalidTicket = 'Invalid ticket',
NotMyTicket = 'Are you trying to fool me? This is not my ticket!',
NotEnoughSpace = 'You do not have enough space for the payout ticket',
TooMuchWork = 'I have too much work to clean up your mess and erase the traces',
Nothing4U = 'I have nothing for you. You have to wait.',
Lang = Locale:new({
phrases = Translations,
warnOnMissing = true